Category Archives: News

Google’s New Restore Credentials Tool Simplifies App Login After Android Migration

Google has introduced a new feature called Restore Credentials to help users restore their account access to third-party apps securely after migrating to a new Android device. Part of Android’s Credential Manager API, the feature aims to reduce the hassle of re-entering the login credentials for every app during the handset replacement. “With Restore Credentials, […]

What Are the ISO 42001 Requirements?

Originally published by Schellman. Written by Megan Sajewski. When seeking ISO 42001:2023 certification, you must ensure that your artificial intelligence management system (AIMS) aligns with the standard’s key clauses (4-10), each of which focuses on a specific facet—context, leadership, planning, support, operation, performance evaluation, and improvement. For those acquainted with other, more established ISO standards, […]

PyPI Python Library “aiocpa” Found Exfiltrating Crypto Keys via Telegram Bot

The administrators of the Python Package Index (PyPI) repository have quarantined the package “aiocpa” following a new update that included malicious code to exfiltrate private keys via Telegram. The package in question is described as a synchronous and asynchronous Crypto Pay API client. The package, originally released in September 2024, has been downloaded 12,100 times […]

Cross-Platform Account Takeover: 4 Real-World Scenarios

Originally published by Abnormal Security.Account takeover (ATO) is a well-known attack method that has been documented for years. However, a less common type of attack occurs when ATO is used as the initial attack vector to gain access to another account, this is known as cross-platform ATO. In this article, we’ll showcase four scenarios where […]

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