Category Archives: Developer Tools

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Study showcases how Microsoft Dev Box impacts developer productivity

The need for innovation in local developer environments If you’ve been following our Microsoft Dev Box journey, you likely know how dev-optimized virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) can transform today’s developer workstation. Traditional, physical workstations are frequently hampered by complex environment setup, lost productivity from conflicting configurations, and a lack of scalability. Our goal in building […]

Modernize and build intelligent apps with support from Microsoft partner solutions

AI transformation drives significant business value, as a recent study of over 2000 business leaders and decision-makers found:  For every USD1 a company invests in AI, it realizes an average return of USD3.50. Organizations realize a return on their AI investments within 14 months. 92% of AI deployments take 12 months or less.  71% of […]

Navigate a seamless cloud modernization with Microsoft assessment tools

As businesses increasingly migrate their operations to the cloud, the need for comprehensive assessments of IT environments is imperative. These assessments not only aid in understanding the existing infrastructure but also play a pivotal role in formulating strategic decisions that align with organizational goals. However, navigating the intricacies of an IT environment and determining the […]

Advancing Microsoft Azure resilience with Chaos Studio

“In a previous blog post in this series, we talked about using chaos engineering and fault injection techniques to validate the resilience of your cloud applications. Chaos testing helps increase confidence in your applications by finding and fixing resiliency issues before they affect customers and streamlining your incident response by reducing or avoiding downtime, data loss, […]

Quantifying the impact of developer experience

For years, we’ve been hearing a lot about developer work and how to improve it. Something along the lines of “how can we help our developers achieve more, quicker?” This focus on developer productivity makes sense because today, software is the backbone of nearly every major company, and when developers achieve more, companies thrive. But, […]

The Total Economic Impact™ of the Microsoft commercial marketplace

In today’s fast-paced, AI-fueled business environment, organizations require a growing number of cloud solutions. In trying to meet this demand, software as a service (SaaS) sprawl can lead to wasted investments and cost overruns. Research by Forrester found that cloud marketplaces can minimize this challenge by helping organizations balance speed and agility.1 The Microsoft commercial […]