Category Archives: News

Google’s New Restore Credentials Tool Simplifies App Login After Android Migration

Google has introduced a new feature called Restore Credentials to help users restore their account access to third-party apps securely after migrating to a new Android device. Part of Android’s Credential Manager API, the feature aims to reduce the hassle of re-entering the login credentials for every app during the handset replacement. “With Restore Credentials, […]

What Are the ISO 42001 Requirements?

Originally published by Schellman. Written by Megan Sajewski. When seeking ISO 42001:2023 certification, you must ensure that your artificial intelligence management system (AIMS) aligns with the standard’s key clauses (4-10), each of which focuses on a specific facet—context, leadership, planning, support, operation, performance evaluation, and improvement. For those acquainted with other, more established ISO standards, […]

PyPI Python Library “aiocpa” Found Exfiltrating Crypto Keys via Telegram Bot

The administrators of the Python Package Index (PyPI) repository have quarantined the package “aiocpa” following a new update that included malicious code to exfiltrate private keys via Telegram. The package in question is described as a synchronous and asynchronous Crypto Pay API client. The package, originally released in September 2024, has been downloaded 12,100 times […]

Cross-Platform Account Takeover: 4 Real-World Scenarios

Originally published by Abnormal Security.Account takeover (ATO) is a well-known attack method that has been documented for years. However, a less common type of attack occurs when ATO is used as the initial attack vector to gain access to another account, this is known as cross-platform ATO. In this article, we’ll showcase four scenarios where […]

THN Recap: Top Cybersecurity Threats, Tools, and Practices (Nov 18 – Nov 24)

We hear terms like “state-sponsored attacks” and “critical vulnerabilities” all the time, but what’s really going on behind those words? This week’s cybersecurity news isn’t just about hackers and headlines—it’s about how digital risks shape our lives in ways we might not even realize. For instance, telecom networks being breached isn’t just about stolen data—it’s […]

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