Security researchers analyzing phishing campaigns that target United States Postal Service (USPS) saw that the traffic to the fake domains is typically similar to what the legitimate site records and it is even higher during holidays. […]
Category Archives: Bleeping Computer
Some Google Chrome users report having issues connecting to websites, servers, and firewalls after Chrome 124 was released last week with the new quantum-resistant X25519Kyber768 encapsulation mechanism enabled by default. […]
Japanese police placed fake payment cards in convenience stores to protect the elderly targeted by tech support scams or unpaid money fraud. […]
Okta warns of an “unprecedented” spike in credential stuffing attacks targeting its identity and access management solutions, with some customer accounts breached in the attacks. […]
Telegram users are currently experiencing issues worldwide, with users unable to use the website and mobile apps. […]
A new campaign tracked as “Dev Popper” is targeting software developers with fake job interviews in an attempt to trick them into installing a Python remote access trojan (RAT). […]
Healthcare service provider Kaiser Permanente disclosed a data security incident that may impact 13.4 million people in the United States. […]
The FBI has warned today that using unlicensed cryptocurrency transfer services can result in financial loss if these platforms are taken down by law enforcement. […]
The L.A. County’s Department of Health Services, the second-largest public health care system in the United States, disclosed a data breach after patients’ personal and health information was exposed in a data breach resulting from a recent phishing attack impacting over two dozen employees. […]
Researchers have sinkholed a command and control server for a variant of the PlugX malware and observed in six months more than 2.5 million connections from unique IP addresses. […]