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I just loved this example our healthcare team shared at a recent radiology conference about the power of Microsoft 365 Copilot to transform work and workflow. In this case, it’s a team of radiologists preparing for a tumor board meeting, helping them to create a draft agenda, take notes, write a teaching file, and then pull together a presentation. And we’re seeing real world examples like this one across every sector.

The post I just loved this example our healthcare team shared at a recent radiology conference about the power of Microsoft 365 Copilot to transform work and workflow. In this case, it’s a team of radiologists preparing for a tumor board meeting, helping them to create a draft agenda, take notes, write a teaching file, […]

DeceptionAds Delivers 1M+ Daily Impressions via 3,000 Sites, Fake CAPTCHA Pages

Cybersecurity researchers have shed light on a previously undocumented aspect associated with ClickFix-style attacks that hinge on taking advantage of a single ad network service as part of a malvertising-driven information stealer campaign dubbed DeceptionAds. “Entirely reliant on a single ad network for propagation, this campaign showcases the core mechanisms of malvertising — delivering over