Monthly Archives: September 2024

Cloudflare Warns of India-Linked Hackers Targeting South and East Asian Entities

An advanced threat actor with an India nexus has been observed using multiple cloud service providers to facilitate credential harvesting, malware delivery, and command-and-control (C2). Web infrastructure and security company Cloudflare is tracking the activity under the name SloppyLemming, which is also called Outrider Tiger and Fishing Elephant. “Between late 2022 to present, SloppyLemming

Chinese Hackers Infiltrate U.S. Internet Providers in Cyber Espionage Campaign

Nation-state threat actors backed by Beijing broke into a “handful” of U.S. internet service providers (ISPs) as part of a cyber espionage campaign orchestrated to glean sensitive information, The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday. The activity has been attributed to a threat actor that Microsoft tracks as Salt Typhoon, which is also known as FamousSparrow […]

It’s fantastic to be in Colombia meeting with change-makers like Pablo Arbeláez of the Universidad de Los Andes, who, along with colleagues, is showing us how AI can be a powerful tool to protect the biodiversity of the Amazon.

The post It’s fantastic to be in Colombia meeting with change-makers like Pablo Arbeláez of the Universidad de Los Andes, who, along with colleagues, is showing us how AI can be a powerful tool to protect the biodiversity of the Amazon. appeared first on Stories.

Google’s Shift to Rust Programming Cuts Android Memory Vulnerabilities by 52%

Google has revealed that its transition to memory-safe languages such as Rust as part of its secure-by-design approach has led to the percentage of memory-safe vulnerabilities discovered in Android dropping from 76% to 24% over a period of six years. The tech giant said focusing on Safe Coding for new features not only reduces the […]

Timeshare Owner? The Mexican Drug Cartels Want You

The FBI is warning timeshare owners to be wary of a prevalent telemarketing scam involving a violent Mexican drug cartel that tries to trick people into believing someone wants to buy their property. This is the story of a couple who recently lost more than $50,000 to an ongoing timeshare scam that spans at least […]

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