Monthly Archives: August 2024

Top picks for students: Reliable and durable Windows 11 PCs

Nearly half of the 49.6 million public school students in the United States will go back to school from Aug. 14 to 25 according to the Pew Research Center. Additionally, there are millions more headed off to college. While it’s a fun and nostalgic time for many that kicks off a new year of making […]

Opera vs Edge – Which Browser is Better in 2024?

Opera and Microsoft Edge are two of the most popular browsers, but when we put Opera vs Edge head-to-head, which comes out on top? Read on to see how their key features, ease of use, performance, and other aspects compare in 2024. Opera vs Edge – Features Opera and Edge share some common features, as […]

Colorado Artificial Intelligence Act Passes with Affirmative Defense Provision

Originally published by Truyo.In a groundbreaking move, Colorado is poised to become the pioneer state in regulating the use of high-risk artificial intelligence (AI) systems. The Colorado Artificial Intelligence Act (SB 205), recently passed by the state legislature, represents a significant step forward in addressing the complex ethical and legal implications of AI technology. If […]

The Facts About Continuous Penetration Testing and Why It’s Important

What is Continuous Attack Surface Penetration Testing or CASPT? Continuous Penetration Testing or Continuous Attack Surface Penetration Testing (CASPT) is an advanced security practice that involves the continuous, automated, and ongoing penetration testing services of an organization’s digital assets to identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities. CASPT is designed for enterprises with an

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